Steve Bannon on The John Fredericks Show: How Democrats Plan to Steal the Election


Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon appeared on a special broadcast of The John Fredericks Show (JFRS) to share how Democrats are undermining the election. The exchange is part of Bannon’s newest national tour, “Plot to Steal 2020.”

Bannon unveiled the tour in his first interview since his arrest. The War Room – Pandemic host claimed that the fraud charges against him are part of a bigger plan targeting Trump’s associates ahead of the election.

New York Young Republican Club President Gavin Wax hosted Monday’s interview with JFRS. Bannon spoke in front of a group of Young Republicans at The 3 West Club in New York City.

“[The Democrats] understand they have a crisis. Remember – the managed decline of our elites is the reason Donald Trump is president.”

Bannon said that Democratic candidate Joe Biden is in trouble. He pointed out Biden’s “disorganized and listless” campaign, inability to be a “closer” like Hillary Clinton, and reliance on mass hysteria amongst low-income voters. According to Bannon, Democratic leaders know this about Biden. He says that’s why they’re planning to do everything in their power to undermine this election.

“We’re going to have a blood-red fact: and that is Donald Trump is going to win the game-day vote, okay? Everything that they’re going to try to do is to try and turn that around. They’re going to try to install an illegitimate and unelected administration to run the United States and to take away all the gains we had with the populism and the economic nationalism of Donald Trump.”

Bannon stated that Democrats have three tactics to influence the election: law, crime, and media. He predicted organized “lawfare,” such as lawsuits popping up all over the country around polling places. And, he said leftist leaders would ensure that the possibility of a Trump win would incite street mobs – the Left’s muscle – to commit civil disobedience nationwide.

“Not just in D.C. and D.C.’s Capitol and the White House. In all the big cities, to show our country is ungovernable and Donald Trump must be removed from office,” said Bannon.

Bannon added that the media and social media are the left’s third tactic. He said that the “oligarchs in Silicon Valley are going to use their ultimate muscle with mainstream media to stop all communication” and silence conservative media.

“They are prepared to strip away any rule of law – anything this republic has stood for – in order to win this,” Bannon emphasized. “They are prepared to strip away this republic before high noon on the 20th of January. That’s the fight.”

Bannon explained the recent $100 million surge into backing Biden as a “panic move” reacting to Trump’s impending victory. According to him, former President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland lost out because of Hillary Clinton. Bannon said Clinton thought she’d win the 2016 election: she wanted to pick a “less moderate” justice of her own.

The former strategist ended his interview by appealing to the Young Republicans present to engage themselves in election efforts.

“Men and women of this club, I don’t think you realize how important you are to the conservative movement, to the Trump movement, and particularly to the country. It’s all on the line,” said Bannon. “We’ve got, what, eight weeks, nine weeks of pure hell. And they don’t care what they have to put us through. But they will consider it a victory if Nancy Pelosi is acting President at high noon on the 20th of January 2021. And that will be a catastrophic defeat for our country, and I gotta tell you – we will have ourselves to blame. We know what they’re going to do, we now have to stop it. In the courts, in the media, and in the streets. And we can do this.”

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Corinne Murdock is an author at The Virginia Star and the Star News Network. Follow her latest on Twitter, or email tips to [email protected].





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One Thought to “Steve Bannon on The John Fredericks Show: How Democrats Plan to Steal the Election”

  1. John

    Bannon is spot on. But I’m afraid it is already too late. After Trump completes his second term, who’s left to pick up the torch? This is why it is extremely important we take back the House and continue to hold the Senate, while replacing RINOs with real conservatives.
